To my page on Down Syndrome...this subject is very near and dear to myself and our whole family..

What is Down Syndrome..

Down Syndrome is a chromosomal abnomality that occurs in 1.3 per 1000 births. For some unexplained reason, an error in cell development results in 47 chromosomes rather than the usual 46. The extra gene material slightly changes the orderly development of the body and brain. About 5000 babies with Down Syndrome are born in the United States every year. The national population of individuals with Down Syndrome is estimated to be 250,000. About 80% of babies with Down Syndrome are born to mothers under the age of 35. About 1 in 400 babies born to women over 35 have Down Syndrome.

Creed of Babies with Down Syndrome

My face may be different But my feelings the same. I laugh and I cry And I take pride in my gains. I was sent here among you To teach you to love. As God in the Heavens Looks down from above. To Him I’m no different His love knows no bounds. It’s those here among you In cities and towns That judge me by standards That man has imparted But this family I’ve chosen Will help me get started. For I’m one of the children So special and few That came here to learn The same lesson as you That love is acceptance It must come from the heart We all have the same purpose Though not the same start The Lord gave me life To live and embrace And I’ll do it as you But at my own pace.

We were all excited..Shari and Kenny were going to have their second child. Everyone was thrilled, especially, Sara, their first child who was 8 in March.

Well Shari was due in November, 2001 and was having a reasonable good pregnancy, but started having problems in October and on October 16,2001 had an emergency C-Section and Hailey Marie entered this world 6 weeks premature weighing 4lbs 6 ozs. She was very sick and was in the neo-natal ICU for quite a while. But fortunataly she was a fighter and now our God's little Angel is a happy baby, full of love to give and for us to give her in return.

At the time of her birth the doctor had noticed and told Shari and Kenny that Hailey had some characteristics of down syndrome, but first wanted her to have the test to tell them for sure. Well, of course, we were all devastated to find out that the test came back positive..Yes our Hailey did have down syndrome.

Shari said what kind of a life will our little girl have..We all re-assured her that she was so beautiful and she will have a wonderful life..bringing so much joy and love to mommy, daddy, her big sister, grandparents, aunts and uncles and anyone else she would come into contact with. And with early intervention and all the other programs they have now, Hailey will lead a very happy and productive life.

She is now over a year old and Thank God, has no medical problems and is such a happy..personable and beautiful child who we all love so dearly..Below I want to share some pictures of Hailey Marie, our angel and great-neice:

Here are two very good links that will interest people with children with Down Syndrome:

Welcoming Babies with Down Syndrome
Down Syndrome~~For New Parents