Fall in Pennsylvania..Fall is fabulous in our neck of the woods. The leaves are at their peak of spectaculor colors from early September through the end of October. This is the time to take in all the beautiful hues, by taking a hayride, a mountain bike ride or an old
fashioned train ride through a canopy of flaming foilage.
The temperatures are at their best for the Oktoberfest, taking a drive to a pumpkin patch to pick a pumpkin for carving..Good time to go fishing, boating or trying to get that last round of golf in before the dreaded winter season sets in. All and all I think when it comes to seasons, Fall is the best..not too cold and not too warm, but just right.
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Greetings One
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Greetings Five
Fathers Day Tribute
Down Syndrome..What It Means To Us
College Misericordia
Martz Trailways
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